Leaders Who Want to Build Trust Do This

It may sound boring and trite, but it works.

Scott Monty
Timeless and Timely


Miranda by John William Waterhouse, 1875 (public domain)

People appreciate consistency.

In one sense, it’s showing up and doing what you said you were going to do. In another, it’s providing them the same set of experiences, over and over again, regardless of time or location.

If your business has a physical location, odds are the hours of operation are the same every weekday.

If you send out a newsletter, sending it on the same day each week builds a sense of expectation.

If you have an amazing online customer experience, people expect something similar in a brick and mortar location of yours.

When they show up and your doors are locked at 3:00 p.m. on a Wednesday, or your newsletter is late, or your in-store experience is nothing like the online one, that’s inconsistency.

And lack of consistency erodes trust.

Your most loyal fans and customers may forgive you (once or twice), but the majority of people don’t like being inconvenienced or misled.

If you’re going to close early on a regular basis, if your newsletter is going to be late, or if your retail location is planning upgrades and isn’t yet up to snuff, then tell people about it. Don’t let their…



Scott Monty
Timeless and Timely

Strategic communications & leadership advisor and speaker. I build better leaders, communicators & humans. #TimelessLeadership More: http://linktr.ee/scottmonty