
With renewal comes growth. And with growth, success.

Scott Monty
Timeless and Timely


Spring Blossoms, Montclair, New Jersey by George Inness, c. 1891 (public domain — The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

“The advantage of living is not measured by length, but by use.” — Michel de Montaigne, 1573

We had massive thunderstorms here last night. Continuous rolling thunder, lightning that lit up the entire sky, warm rains, and even hail.

It was what all thunderstorms are: an interruptive and cleansing event between two weather fronts.

This morning, the birds were out and all was quiet as the sun began to peek over the horizon. The grass and streets were still wet and sparkled in a promising and refreshing way.

It reminded me about a topic that’s weighed on my mind recently: death.

Not in its finality, but in how it transforms those whose life it touches.

That’s probably not the topic you expected to see in a newsletter this week, but it’s one that needs addressing-in good way. Stick with me.

As I looked back over previous entries, I see that I wrote about death just eight weeks ago. In one sense, it seems too soon to bring up the topic again, yet in another sense, it seems like it was a lifetime ago.



Scott Monty
Timeless and Timely

Strategic communications & leadership advisor and speaker. I build better leaders, communicators & humans. #TimelessLeadership More: