The Choices We Make

It’s not always easy.

Scott Monty
Timeless and Timely


Landscape with the Fall of Icarus by Joos de Momper the Younger (Wikimedia Commons — CC BY-SA 3.0)

“The measure of choosing well, is, whether a man likes and finds good in what he has chosen.” — Charles Lamb, 1833

I had to make a difficult decision recently.

Every January, the Baker Street Irregulars holds its annual dinner in New York City, bookended by a couple of days before and after, consisting of get-togethers, informal dinners, lunches, receptions, and the like.

I’ve been attending these annual festivities nearly without interruption since 1996. Last year, as the world was still off-kilter, the meeting was held virtually for the first time. And in October, we lost the leader who transformed the organization over 23 years.

Reconvening after two years and commiserating over the loss of dear friends was called for, if only as a salve for similarly affected souls.

But, it was not to be.

My son is a senior in high school and plays goalie for the varsity hockey team. His team had a tournament that weekend (something that had already caused me to truncate my usual 4-day trip to New York.)

But his team had a Covid scare last week, and after seeing the rising numbers around the country and knowing the festivities would…



Scott Monty
Timeless and Timely

Strategic communications & leadership advisor and speaker. I build better leaders, communicators & humans. #TimelessLeadership More: