Famous Serial Killers — Donald Henry Gaskins aka Pee Wee

In my novels, I write about serial killers. Sometimes I let real murderers inspire myself. I write about these killers here now. Today it’s about Donald “Pee Wee” Gaskins, also known as “The Meanest Man in America.”

René Junge
The full time writer


Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Life and first violent crimes

Donald Henry Gaskins Jr. was born in 1933 in the city of Manning, South Carolina.

His childhood was marked by an indifferent mother and her changing partners. The men often mistreated Donald while his mother looked away and ignored his suffering.

At school, the slim boy was no different. His classmates, who nicknamed him Pee Wee, beat and mobbed Donald until he dropped out of school at the age of eleven to work in a garage.

During this time, Donald Henry Gaskins made friends with two boys of his age from the surrounding area. Together with them, Donald committed numerous burglaries and rapes. The fact that boys under the age of thirteen raped women together indicates the degree of the brutalization of this trio.

His cronies were called Danny and Marsh, and it was not until they had raped Marsh’s younger sister together…



René Junge
The full time writer

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: http://bit.ly/ReneJunge