How To Sell More Book Compilations On Amazon

If you are an author who writes long series, you are probably familiar with the principle of combining several books from that series into a compilation. If you have several such volumes, there is a mostly unknown way to sell more of them.

René Junge
The full time writer


Picture by Author — all rights reserved

Books that are part of a series are easier to sell on Amazon than single books. There are several reasons for this.

First, serial readers are among the most active book buyers. They need constant replenishment and read all the books in a series if they liked the first book and are not disappointed by the next ones.

Second, Amazon offers us, authors, the opportunity to present all books of a series on a common series page. This gives each individual book an additional showcase in which it can be seen.

Third, under each book in a series, all other books in the same series appear directly on the book’s product page. So a reader who finds one of these books by searching the shop will always see all the associated books at once.

Why should I create compilations?



René Junge
The full time writer

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: