The Fifth Month of My Erotica Author Career Has Earned Me 323 Euros ($391)

René Junge
The full time writer
5 min readJan 15, 2021


Photo by Ambreen Hasan on Unsplash

It’s actually true: With perseverance and the right tactics, you can earn good money with erotic short stories on Amazon.

When I started uploading erotic short stories to Amazon through KDP in August 2020, I wasn’t sure if this new venture would be worth the effort.

I had read about authors making a few thousand dollars a month from it, but I was sure that was shamelessly exaggerated.

So I gave myself three months to make 100 euros in a month for the first time. I was very positively surprised when I managed to do that in my first month.

After I could invest less time in the project in September and October because my new thriller had to be finished, I got back into it in November. My goal was to break the 200 Euro mark for the first time in December.

I thought I could do it because I would publish an anthology of ten short stories that month. I knew that these bundles would sell considerably better than individual stories. If I managed to get into the top 100 erotic novels with this bundle, that would be enough to sell enough books to reach the 200 euros mark.



René Junge
The full time writer

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: