Technology in Everyday Lives

Mahek Maru
The Future Ahead
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2020

“The advance of the technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it becomes a part of your everyday life” — Bill Gates. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, has nailed it when quoting this quote. This says that in the near future, technology will play a vital role in our day to day lives and it will be unnoticeable which will make the it’s usage even more productive and efficient than always. This will create great impact in our lives and our everyday chores will revolve around technology.

Fatimata Keita, a colleague of mine, reinforced the fact that technology is revolving around our daily lives with this quote” I am personally interested in the topic of technology because I use this aspect every single day from the morning to night. From the beginning of the morning when I check my emails and social media to catch up with what is going on. To enter my virtual learning through zoom, to emailing professors about certain work, to completing my homework on UBlearns Blackboard, and at my virtual job when I use the online system to find customer orders and updating order statuses” (Keita). According to me she has states a really important point about how a 20-year-old college student uses technology almost at every point in their day. From checking emails to attending online lectures via Zoom almost everything is technological based. She indirectly has given 3 important uses of technology for a college student:

· Zoom Lectures for online learning

· Checking emails for coursework

· Asking questions to professors via email, slack, trello etc.

She has also given a hint about how technology has impacted her workplace life and how she uses it there to find customer orders and update their databases. She has further exemplified this fact by this quote as follows “On the topic of technology, I know that it is changing rapidly. There are now robots doing human activities such as being cashiers in certain stores, having more self-checkout machines that take all forms of payment from credit/debit cards to cash, phones being able to unlock with just a face identification feature, and also being able to unlock from a fingerprint reader” (Keita). She is explaining how technology is used as security identification feature at stores and phones being able to lock/unlock via a click of a button. She has talked about a whole important aspect of technology which is important. She has walked an extra mile to include how Robots are being used for human Activities and how they are reducing human effort via technology.

Works Cited

Keita, F. (n.d.). The Future of Technology. Retrieved from



Mahek Maru
The Future Ahead

Hello, I am Mahek Maru, a sophomore studying at Univeristy at Buffalo. I am majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in MIS