A Conversation With A Conservative American About The Green New Deal

Conservatives refuse to engage with the GND’s text, relationship to climate change and antecedents

Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric


The Green New Deal (GND) has been getting a lot of attention recently, as all the leading Democratic candidates for the Presidential nomination are basing their plans on it, more or less. And the straw man attacks even from the most reasonable members of US conservatives, ones who actually accept climate change, if not the severity and urgency of the issue, do not stop.

Case in point. Over on Quora I recently answered a question on why climate activists were being hacked, harassed, and doxed for speaking up about climate change. As I often do, I referred back to my published piece, Climate change deniers are increasingly angry and hostile. This is, of course, in context of the overwhelming attacks on Greta Thunberg that are being spewed constantly by triggered climate change deniers.

Graphic by author

The thesis of that article is that there is a continuum of denialist to alarmist positions, that the IPCC reports are much closer to the purported alarmist positions, and that climate change deniers had been forced off of position after position, continually having to abandon positions further left for positions further right on the…



Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric

Climate futurist and advisor. Founder TFIE. Advisor FLIMAX. Podcast Redefining Energy - Tech.