Gray Rhinos & Black Swans Define Our Risk Fingerprints
Risk expert Michele Wucker talks personal approaches to risk and why we need to understand them in ourselves and others
We continue to live in world with changing and in many cases increasing risks. Michele Wucker, author of The Gray Rhino and You Are What You Risk, has thought about not only about risk more than most people, but also how different people and organizations perceive risks very differently. I continue my conversation with her in this second half of our discussion on my podcast Redefining Energy — Tech.
Many thanks to CleanTechnica for allowing me to republish this material that I originally recorded under their banner. This is the full, lightly edited transcript.
Michael Barnard (MB): Hi, welcome back to Redefining Energy — Tech. I’m your host, Michael Barnard. Joining me again today is Michele Wucker, author of best selling book especially in Asia, The Gray Rhino.