Humans Evolved with Infrasound and It’s Harmless

Barnard On Wind Redux Post: Anti-wind hobbyists and lobbyists keep the pseudoscientific bugaboo of infrasound alive

Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric


Wind farms are fielding complaints about health impacts, almost entirely in the English-speaking world. There are literally over 200 unique symptoms in humans and animals that have been blamed on wind generation technology over the past decade or so, according to a list maintained by Professor Simon Chapman of the School of Public Health in the University of Sydney.[21] 2019 update: 247 currently. While 22 reviews to date world wide have reviewed the hundreds of pieces of research and the anecdotal claims of health impacts and universally agreed that wind farms don’t cause harm and that there is no mechanism for them to cause harm [7], a small number of vocal anti-wind campaigners believe that they have found the causative agent: infrasound generated by wind farms.

The infrasound hypothesis was put forward by Dr. Nina Pierpont, paediatrician, in her book Wind Turbine Syndrome, 294 pages of self-published, unpeer-reviewed material based on phone interviews with 23 self-selected people who claimed that their varied symptoms were caused by wind farms.[6]



Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric

Climate futurist and advisor. Founder TFIE. Advisor FLIMAX. Podcast Redefining Energy - Tech.