If wind farms impact property values it appears to be positively

10 studies of 1.3 million transactions over 15 years in 3 countries found no negative impact

Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric


Wind turbines in distance behind village
Image courtesy Hans G. Oberlack under CCA Share-Alike 4.0 International

Six years ago I went deep and wide on property value studies related to wind energy for the now defunct BarnardonWind blog I maintained. There’s no evidence that anything has changed since.

Many people concerned with wind turbines have a specific fear: that the equity in their properties will be reduced or eliminated. How real is this? What is the actual impact of wind farms on nearby property values?

Ten major and statistically reliable studies covering roughly 1.3 million property transactions by different respected and independent organizations in three different countries spread over fifteen years have found no correlation between operating wind turbines and negative property values (in fact, three found slight but statistically insignificant impacts). Another low reliability study — due to small available sample size — in Australia found no impacts as well.

By comparison, only two moderately reliable studies with some statistical significance found property value impacts, and they are both challenged in different ways. Five other often referenced studies are merely case studies with no statistical…



Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric

Climate futurist and advisor. Founder TFIE. Advisor FLIMAX. Podcast Redefining Energy - Tech.