Republicans will lose #Election2020 if they don’t accept climate change

The Presidency hangs in the balance due to this one issue

Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric


CNN hosted a seven-hour town hall with ten Democratic candidates for President talking not about whether climate change was real or not, but about their specific plans to deal with it. I’ve published climate action plan assessments for Joe Biden (meh), Elizabeth Warren (good with the updates), Andrew Yang (good on carbon fee, terrible on energy), Kamala Harris (best plan, sad she’s out), Bernie Sanders (some good goals, but authoritarian and populist) and Pete Buttigieg (meh again). I’ve published a wrap up of the leading candidates that shows that together they have an excellent climate action plan, and that the USA and the world will be well served with a Democratic President in 2020.

But what about the Republicans?

While Donald Trump is on record with his climate change denial, that’s unlikely to stop him from doing whatever will win him another four years, including reversing his previous…



Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric

Climate futurist and advisor. Founder TFIE. Advisor FLIMAX. Podcast Redefining Energy - Tech.