Why do liberals believe the things that they do?

They live in a world that’s often very different than conservatives but why?

Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric


We are experiencing a period of increasing isolation between left and right in North America, and the data suggests that’s true in Europe as well. Many on the right think that liberal-oriented parties have become too extreme, too left wing.

Pew Research chart of increasing political polarization
Image courtesy Pew Research

So why do liberals have such different world views than conservatives these days? In general, data and reality.

We are talking about modern small-l liberals in North America, which means we are generally talking about centrist, fairly fiscally conservative and socially progressive people. In general, people with this mindset realize the following.

Pure trickle-down economics leaves too many people falling through the cracks with expensive societal and individual consequences that we are more than rich enough to deal with without negative economic impacts and in fact with positive impacts. HUD secretary says a homeless person costs taxpayers $40,000 a year



Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric

Climate futurist and advisor. Founder TFIE. Advisor FLIMAX. Podcast Redefining Energy - Tech.