Starting a newsletter with @ndebock

“The future is not what it used to be”

Clement Vouillon
The Future Is Not What It Used To Be
2 min readJan 24, 2018


With my good friend Nicolas Debock we’re starting a monthly newsletter titled “The future is not what it used to be” in which we’ll cover three topics:

  • Neurotech and other new technologies related to the brain.
  • The revolutions currently happening in physics and tech which are disrupting our perception of Reality & Space/Time (forget about “one reality”, there’s no such thing :-)).
  • Surveillance and privacy in a data driven society.

Ok, I admit, your bullshit detector is probably at the maximum level now, but bear with me.

We are by no mean experts in those fields, but as two curious dudes we kept reading about these topics at night (when our kids are sleeping) and kept discussing them together. We realised that each of these three “trends” was actually deeply linked with the others. And that they will have a huge impact on our society.

So instead of keeping these discussions “private”, we decided to start a newsletter in which we’ll share the interesting articles we find and some of our thoughts/views/opinions (which don’t reflect the ones of our employers, we’re doing it as a personal side project).

Our goals with this newsletter are:

  • To force ourselves to structure better our thoughts on these topics.
  • To spark conversations with other people.

If you’re interesting in receiving the first edition, on January 31st, you can subscribe here:

