Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Nikita Verma
The Future of Artificial Intelligence
3 min readOct 18, 2020

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence is becoming so complex that it is considered to be used in the healthcare profession. This can seem quite odd because most people would think, how will a robot know what is wrong with me, but A. I am much more than just a machine. “An AI robotic system is an integrated system of software and hardware that possesses certain capabilities typically associated with humans, including the processing or communicating in natural languages, perceiving the world from visual images, sounds, and other sensory inputs, logical reasoning, planning, or navigating the physical world.” This means that artificial intelligence will not just be good for doing machine activities that exist today, but be able to solve problems and generate treatments for the patients each A.I. will be working with.

One might be wondering — what is the place of an A.I. in healthcare? And here Is what is currently going on in different parts of the world: AI robotic systems were employed in knowledge works such as managing patient flow, diagnosing medical images, and recommending treatments, and were used by physicians, nurses, as well as patients and visitors. So, artificial intelligence is not something that will be replacing your doctor but assisting your doctor and their team to be more efficient and effective throughout their days by monitoring easy tasks such as patient flow.

Having artificial intelligence in locations such as hospitals would be very useful for a few reasons. The first being, nurses, and aides who work in the hospital will get more time dedicated to work on and complete bigger tasks. For example, according to figure 3 of, “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Robots: A Social Informatics Study of Knowledge Embodiment,” before using artificial intelligence, they would have nurses advise and direct patients to the relevant room doctor and waiting room, which is fine but it is time-consuming for those nurses since they could be using that time to be assisting these patients with their health-related issues. In this situation, an artificial intelligence bot could be resourceful because they would be able to perform the same job as these nurses are doing and it would provide ample time for the nurses to assist their patients. Similar to the advising of patients A.I.’s could create time for nurses to assist their patients instead of sitting at a desk and edit electronic health records. These A.I.’s would be able to edit these health records and just be checked for accuracy which does not waste any time because these are actions that the nurses had to take before as well.

Artificial intelligence in healthcare could be and will be very useful to create time and efficiency for nurses.

Cui, L., Pan, S., Pee, L. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Robots: A Social Informatics Study of Knowledge Embodiment. JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 70 (4):351–369.



Nikita Verma
The Future of Artificial Intelligence

I am a junior Business Administrations major at the University at Buffalo, concentrating in Human Resources. My hobbies include hiking, cooking, and traveling.