How Will A.I. Affect Our Working Environment?

Nikita Verma
The Future of Artificial Intelligence
2 min readOct 8, 2020

As technology advances in today’s society, I am sure individuals are nervous about how it is going to impact their place of work. Artificial intelligence is not supposed to be a terrifying thought for the average worker, but unfortunately, it causes a lot of anxiety and stress because people feel as though their jobs will be replaced and computers and robots will be able to do it more efficiently.

The way Artificial intelligence will create efficiency in the workplace is by doing tasks that do not require as many of the soft skills that consumers appreciate and enjoy, so that the actual employees can focus on those soft skills and human interaction that consumers long for without knowing it. In other words, Artificial intelligence is great at replacing the lower-level, repetitive tasks, but businesses must achieve the greatest performance improvements when both, humans and technology work together. For example, A.I. will be able to do calculations and functions that may take humans a bit longer to get used to, even after training. Whereas, artificial intelligence would be able to simply be programmed to do what they will in each function.

Besides efficiency, the benefits of artificial intelligence include making faster decisions for a business based on the output of the A.I. services, the elimination of human error, the ability to increase revenue due to the identification and maximization of sales opportunities.

There may be some people who stress out about A.I. “taking over” their jobs and fulfilling the needs for the job market, but what they may not realize is that A.I. is already in their day to day lives (for the most part). Those who use or are familiar with Apple products have a source of artificial intelligence in their pocket, who we know as Siri. This goes for products made by Google or Android as well with products such as Google Home or Amazon’s Alexa. They may not be able to create their own thoughts but by saying a phrase such as “Hey Siri. What is the weather?” you can get a response in less than 5 seconds.

The reality of growing technology can be and definitely is a nerve-wracking topic, especially to the older generation who is not used to being reliant on technology. We must remember that technology is constantly changing day by day whether it is noticed by the average individual or not so we must not be afraid. We will be gradually introduced to this new technology and not thrown into it blindly.



Nikita Verma
The Future of Artificial Intelligence

I am a junior Business Administrations major at the University at Buffalo, concentrating in Human Resources. My hobbies include hiking, cooking, and traveling.