Nikita Verma
The Future of Artificial Intelligence
2 min readOct 1, 2020


Hello everyone! My name is Nikita Verma and I am currently a junior at the University at Buffalo. As a part of my Communication Literacy for Business class, we are researching a business change, trend, or aspect of the future. The trend I will be investigating is Artificial Intelligence and the impact of it on our future.

The future in which I am going to be investigating is Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), which according to Brookings “[is] designed to make decisions, often using real-time data. They are unlike passive machines that are capable only of mechanical or predetermined responses. Using sensors, digital data, or remote inputs, they combine information from a variety of different sources, analyze the material instantly, and act on the insights derived from those data.” Long story short, Artificial Intelligence is exactly what it sounds like. Intelligence is created by technology. Personally, I am interested in this topic because A.I. is the future. Jobs are going to be backed up or even replaced by this because they are going to be able to think and act like human beings if they don't already. As a person who is pursuing a field of human resources, I find it fascinating to learn about the types of systems humans will be interacting within virtually no time. I think that all people, in any field would benefit from learning about artificial intelligence since it is a technology that is quickly growing and will eventually be part of everyone's lives. I don't know much about Artificial Intelligence just yet other than the general information I have gathered from articles here and there, and from watching the Iron Man movies.

Questions that I would like to answer through this blog:

  1. Will the adaption of Artificial Intelligence be as simple to the less fortunate? — I think this is a very important question to be answered since A.I. will be a large part of technology in the future of everyone.
  2. How will people in power take advantage of A.I. opportunities without abusing it? — This is an important question to keep in mind because people in power (the military, police, etc..) would want to use A.I. to their advantage
  3. Will Artificial Intelligence impact the job market and by how much? What jobs will they be able/ trusted to do? — There will need to be a job market for humans too.

A skill or area of knowledge that would be useful to prepare for the change of the world to A.I. would be gaining knowledge about technology and the type of technology that will be involved.

That’s what I am here to help us learn! :)



Nikita Verma
The Future of Artificial Intelligence

I am a junior Business Administrations major at the University at Buffalo, concentrating in Human Resources. My hobbies include hiking, cooking, and traveling.