Blog Response to Outside Blog

Ryan Fiorella
The Future of Climate Change
2 min readOct 3, 2018

In their blog post “Climate Change: A New Normal of New Jobs” on Cathy Barrera does a great job at showing the future of jobs and why they’re going to change the way they are.

The first thing Barrera does in their blog post is explain global warming and its impacts its having on our everyday weather, our intense weather like hurricanes, and also our constantly rising sea level.

The next thing that Barrera goes into detail about are Jobs involved with mitigating climate change’s impact. In this section of their blog speaks on all of the jobs that are going to be created to fix everything that climate change is damaging or jobs to prevent the inevitable damage climate change is going to cause.

She does a very good job at explaining the changes and why they’re going to occur. For example Barrera wrote “…coastal cities are being given incentives to build more flood-resistant infrastructures, like seawalls, and New York City is working on plans for a barrier that could cost more than 3 billion dollars to construct” (2018).

That was such a good sentence because she goes into specific details about cities and what their plans are to fix their future full of flooding. Also I really think it was a good idea on their part to call New York City by its name and not just a “costal city” because all the residents living there can understand that the money that is going toward this project is not just free money that is being put to use, but rather 3 billion worth of tax dollars that they worked for.


The next paragraph of this blog post focused on the jobs that could help prevent global warming, rather than continuing to focus on jobs after the fact.

Rather than using numbers in this paragraph, which I think would be useful, they used just straight facts on whats happening in the world today. An example of this can be seen when Barrera writes “The renewable and clean energy sector is perhaps the most obvious industry aimed at longer-term solutions and is already creating millions of jobs. More people are now employed in clean energy jobs than in the fossil fuel industries” (2018).

Saying that was good insight, but I just really wish they would have had numbers to back up their claim.

I really enjoyed reading this blog post because I felt like it offered some very good ideas and thought into this topic that not many people look into. Though there are a few things I would change like the usage of numbers, this was a good and interesting read.

Barrera, C. (2018, January 10). Climate Change: A New Normal of New Jobs. Retrieved from

