End of Blog, Just the Beginning of Climate Change

Ryan Fiorella
The Future of Climate Change
2 min readOct 3, 2018

Though researching for this topic has been a daunting task, I’m glad I was able to have the opportunity to do so.

Before research I of course knew that climate change was impacting the economy and job markets in some ways, but I never knew exactly how. For example when I read that the United States Postal Service actually put out a whole informational packet about how it is effected by climate change I was quite surprised.

Honestly, there are so many more jobs that could be created and lost because of global warming with some being more likely than others. Sadly though I didn’t have enough time to dive into all of those possibilities.

One possibility that I find very interesting and feel that it deserves recognition comes from a blog on Forbes.com, AskEthan, where the blog post is titled “AskEthan: Can We Build A Sun Screen To Combat Climate Change?”(2018).


This was such an interesting article to me because it is something that is so possible, yet unfathomable at the same time. As author Ethan Siegel says, “This is one of the most ambitious, but also one of the sanest, options we could possibly consider when it comes to combatting global climate change”.

This is just to show just how big of an impact that global warming is going to have on us. The amount of jobs a project that big would create is astronomical and that would just be the start of “big projects” we could start to switch the tide of climate change.

This, although amazing, wouldn’t be the only thing that happens because of climate change. I got to scratch the surface of jobs that would be lost due to this but in reality theres really no telling how big of an effect this is going to have on us.

Is the postal service going to become a thing of the past? Will we no longer have airplanes that run on fuel? Can construction workers work outside? These are all questions nobody has the answer to yet, but soon enough we’ll figure it out first hand.

Siegel, E. (2018, May 26). Ask Ethan: Can We Build A Sun Screen To Combat Global Climate Change? Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2018/05/26/ask-ethan-can-we-build-a-sun-screen-to-combat-global-climate-change/#6e78dd751f00

