Hot Earth = Hot Job Market

Ryan Fiorella
The Future of Climate Change
2 min readSep 28, 2018

One thing that you’ll probably never hear any sane person say is that our planet getting hotter is a good thing. This is obvious for many reasons, our animals are dying, our sea levels are rising, and our weather is getting extreme, but there is one good to come out of all of this — a growing job market.

Though it may not seem obvious by just looking on the surface of climate change that jobs are going to be impacted, theres close to no jobs that won’t see an effect on not only their daily activities, but the amount of openings available.

Robert Fullerton / Shutterstock

Just a few examples of jobs that are going to see an impact inclded:

  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Professors
  • Zoologists
  • Meteorologists

Though some may seem obvious like meteorologists and zoologists, others may come as a surprise such as professors.

Lynn Pasquerella, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Association of American Colleges and Universities said that she has seen more than 1,400 members, which include not only major universities but also 2 year colleges, include climate change into their curriculum.

This means that professors are now being required to teach climate change into their normal course work, but that also means that jobs for specific climate change professors are going to be on the market sooner rather than later.

This is very foreseeable since when asking 10 random people in my university student union, all 10 said that would be glad to learn more about climate change in their curriculum.

Another career that is going to see a huge impact is our architects. Since we are now seeing much more extreme weather architects are going to have to find a way to structure our buildings to be much more resilient to more extreme weather conditions.

Not only is that an issue, so is our soon to be risen shorelines. This isn’t something that necessarily is only going to be seen in the future, but rather something we are seeing start now. With the already worsening weather, our major storms like hurricanes are only getting worse which calls for stronger structures around the worlds shores.

