Hello introduction, and hello global warming.

Ryan Fiorella
The Future of Climate Change
2 min readSep 24, 2018

This blog is going to consist of many things that I have found myself thinking about on many occasions. To just give a quick preview those things include:

  • Climate change as a whole
  • Climate change and how its going to impact businesses
  • What we can all do to help combat climate change from happening

Throughout my whole life I have always been interested in the concept of global warming. I would always hear on the news how we’re basically ruining the planet for not only the ones currently living on it, but also the countless generations down the road. Recently though as I’ve become older I realized not only is this just effecting the ecosystem, it might quite possibly have a large effect on our workforce and how we look at it. Will it change it for the better, will it totally ruin businesses, will going to work soon become a thing of the past? These are all questions nobody has an answer to.

Though I may be more interested than the average person, that doesn’t go to say that the average reader won’t benefit from reading through the topics I’m going to write about. Although the future is uncertain and nothing is 100%, speaking and learning about topics that could actually have a major impact on your future life can never be a bad thing. Even if you think the person you’re reading sounds insane, the future can always surprise you.


This topic is one that I have done a lot of reading on and I have actually attended a few seminars speaking of the dangers that are going to become inevitable if we don’t do something about our bad habits sooner than later. This being said, there is so much more that I want to learn on this research journey like: has it effected the job market yet so far, what jobs would be most effected, and what exactly can we all do to stop this progression in its tracks. These all interest me because they’re all things that not only will impact me, but they will also impact you, your friends, your family, and so forth.

To do all of this research I think my biggest skill that I need to use is time management. It is very common of me to get off track when I am looking into a topic I find so enjoyable so I really need to focus on making sure I don’t stray too far away from the topics that I am honing in on. To make sure I commit to this skill I am going to write as I research instead of researching and then writing. This will allow me to not spend countless hours researching but rather limiting myself to fit my blog posts.

