Response to Blog Post

Ryan Fiorella
The Future of Climate Change
2 min readOct 2, 2018

In his article “Smog in Asia”, Mason Lampka does an amazing job at not only explaining why we need to make the switch to renewable and clean energy, but he also makes amazing use of pathos throughout his whole post.

In his blog the first thing he does to introduce his readers to a topic that he uses throughout many of hit later posts was by bringing up a point that Arnold Schwarzenegger made in the book The Tesla Revolution. This point was that if you had to choose between sitting in a room with a running gas-powered car or sitting in a room with a Tesla, an electric car, every sane person would choose the latter.

This, in my opinion, was a very good choice to use as an introduction because it has the reader think what they would do in this situation (there is only one viable answer). Not only does it make them think, but it engages them and makes them interested to keep reading not only the rest of this blog post but probably many more of his.

The best use of his words was in his second paragraph.

In this paragraph, Lampka said “Either wearing a facemask outside, or facing the consequences of not, are huge impacts of daily life. Imagine living in an area where if you forget your facemask, you’re stuck inside until someone brings you a mask or until you find one. While leaving the house, people would be thinking, ‘Do I have my keys, yes. Do I have my phone, yes. Do I have my facemask, yes.’” (2018).

This is a paragraph that really hit home. We’re constantly ruining our world and if we don’t do something about it soon we’re all going to have to suffer the consequences.

After reading through more of his blog posts one idea that is going to dramatically help us is the use of renewable and clean energy. Without all of the use of fossil fuels and coal, we’re going to be on our way to improvement.

Lampka, M. (2018, September 26). Smog in Asia. Retrieved from

