Hybrid and Multicloud come together in electronics (podcast)

Understanding Cloudabilty and Orchestration

cristene j g-w
The Future of Electronics
1 min readNov 6, 2018


William Thomas led a podcast conversation with Martin Kienzle, Peter Xu, Christophe Begue and me on the navigating the cloud continuum — private, public and hybrid. This 45 minute podcast is designed to explain the rise of hybrid clouds and how to navigate the cloud continuum between private and public from the business case down to the use case. We are talking technology, governance and the business landscape that’s given rise to multicloud as well as to understanding the criteria and critical questions for each use case.

It’s a fast paced conversation. Enjoy.



cristene j g-w
The Future of Electronics

I work at intersect of electronics, healthcare, retail, design, innovation and marketing. Cristene Gonzalez-Wertz. Work for @IBM but comments/posts are my own.