Creating With Cognitive

Financial Services Storytelling
Into The Future
Published in
5 min readFeb 9, 2018

In a recent survey, almost ¾ of CIOs reported that their organizations already own the data, the analytics, and therefore the capability to implement truly cognitive systems. However, only 4% report that they have at least one cognitive system in operation. Although the numbers may be low, these fast movers are undeniably setting the pace for those that will follow. These Cognitive Explorers are out there, cleaning house, and getting ready to plug into what will be the eco-system of eco-systems.

Cognitive ready institutions start from the ground up. Or should I say from the cloud down? Cloud-based data storage and applied analytics is the fundamental foundation of the future. Equally important will be the technical ability to stream data and share open operational information instantaneously. But perhaps most humble —and most important of all — data curation. Yup. He who reaches the best data wins. Fair and square. Using data to perfect the customer experience will determine who goes, and who stays.

What’s Your Plan for Data?

So hear that clearly. What is your plan for Data? Where are you getting it now? Where could you be getting it? And if you want or need data beyond what your business can provide, how could you legitimately best expand the base of your data? The movers and the shakers are planning data strategies quite carefully to understand what they have, what they don’t, and what they’ll need to get. Those early to the party are making sure they’re incorporating, and optimizing, every bit of available information they possibly can. Then the analysis begins.

If you think cognitive explorers are good about their data, here’s what they’re up to with their analytics. They start with the Math; Algorithmic Automation, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence. And then they get a little more Personal; Image Reading, Natural Language Processing and, of course, Sentiment, Behavior and Personality Analysis. These guys are serious. How do you get in the game?

Unleashing Intelligent Automation

For leadership presented with this degree of massive change and possibility, the digital era will mean that CIOs not only need to change what they develop — they’ll also have to change how they develop it. Traditional, non-iterative Waterfall models, in which after-the-fact changes are prohibitively costly, ‘need not apply’ in emerging Tech environs. The only way organizations will be able to keep up with growing customer expectations will be to unite end users, business leads and technological professionals. These leaders will have to be brought together in an agile environment, where applying ‘design thinking’ approaches allow rapid prototyping and product creation.

Sean Tinney, the founder of the Intelligent Automation Innovation Center (IAIC) for IBM describes the process his teams provide for their clients. “Our IAIC initiatives were really born in response to our Clients. They said to us, ‘We’re intrigued by the concept of Cognitive Automation — but we don’t really know how it can affect our business’. We knew we had to create a safe place where companies could experiment combining process based automation solutions like Robotics Process Automation (RPA) and Business Process Management (BPM) with Autonomic and Cognitive Assets.

Our process starts with an Education session to demystify different types of automation and arrive on common definitions. We then begin Ideating on how this technology could impact the overall organization and business processes. Here we take a hard look at User Experience, End to End Process Views and what the “art of the possible” could become in the future. Next, we move to a Strategy session, where we bring data scientists, business analysts, software engineers and developers together to re-imagine what the client — and their customers — really need to meet their expectations and begin applying the defined technologies to actual client use cases. Finally, we move to the Define stage at which point we start actively design how we will implement the recently defined use cases so we can begin work immediately and capitalize on the momentum of the day. We put IBM’s best assets to work, along with other technologies available in the market, to create an integrated intelligent automation solution. We don’t think about what we have, we think about what the business needs, and we make it happen.” We are in the business of designing solutions and solving problems.

Creating with Hacker Urgency

Business leaders are intrigued by the idea of Cognitive and Intelligent Automation, but often they are just not sure what to do with it. They know the long tail development model won’t work in today’s world, so they want to stick their toes in the water. In the IAIC setting, cross discipline teams are brought together and agilely co-create, with hacker urgency, to accelerate the ‘succeed or fail’ process. Firms are able to get an idea of what Intelligent Automation Assets would look like at work in their business. Because of the environment, getting to a Pilot program can shrink from six months to a couple of weeks’ work.

Cognitive at Work; Putting Your Business on Steroids

So C-Suite executives who are prioritizing the possibilities of cognitive computing and intelligent automation — are spending more and more time at Intelligent Automation Innovation Centers. Word. Curious leaders want to make sure they are at the front of a wave of change that’s gaining speed. Data. Analytics. AI. Agile. All of it. Again and again those ahead warn that the key is to be flexible around new, insightful in-put. The Call to action? Come on in — the water’s fine!

