Education, The Key to the Succeed.

Jing He
The Future of Quality Education
3 min readMar 11, 2021
Being a critical thinker when you’re thinking something. Keep your mind never stop learning.

Everyone allows finding the best learning when you receive an education because people’s learning methods are different. For example, we have student A and student B, the equation 1+1=2. We all know that one plus one must equal two, and A knows. But student B doesn’t get that. So, we need to find a proper direction for him. Imagine that how many your parents (Dad and Mom) are? Parents are the answer to one plus one. This example tells us that someone can quickly know the answer because of the accumulation of basic knowledge. But student B choose thoughtful explanation to connect with things or people in life to achieve learning. Consequently, stand in the right learning direction not to so rule in education. To be specific, thinking in critical thinking.

It’s good to make our lives great within AI development; however, we are not making ourselves too lazy. In his blog, Vermeulen listed six steps about becoming a self-learning person and “Never-Ending Process of Learning” to let people keep using brain. He argued that the six steps are the key point of the education process. According to “Too much education today is ‘proceduralized’ and ‘standardized,’ and the inevitable result is that students expect and even demand to be ‘spoon fed’” (2018). Professor Vermeulen demonstrated that in today’s education, we have a very “formal” education. It plans all the steps for students to study and without critical thinking. Students talking education being unconscious thought is not kind of benefit to themselves.

“What makes this “Collection-Consumption-Curation-Co-creation-Communication-Correction” model so different from the current curriculum of schools is that it isn’t about instant gratification, the reproduction of knowledge, or measuring “success” by grades in a test” (2018). In this quotation, Prof. Vermeulen illustrated that the six context processes for “self-learning” work well for how people learn for education. The benefit of those steps is not like a straight education rule. In contrast, it helps you being a thinker when you are in education. It was not like you study and just study, finishes the daily homework, and you have done. Prof. Vermeulen’s six steps are to try to help you how to be a successful self-learner.

At the end of this blog, I would like to share an interesting quote that I heard from my MGO302 Prof. Braunscheidel; he researched from Billie Jean King: “never stop learning how to learn” (2021). This sentence is more meaningful to explain why people never stop finding and studying the suitable way to retain knowledge, which is useful to you.

Works Cited

Vermeulen, E.P.M. (2018, September 16). Education is the Key to a Better Future, But…“We Must TEACH Them How to LEARN!”. Medium.

Braunscheidel, M. (2021, February, 2). MGO 302 Tuesday February 2, 2021. YouTube.



Jing He
The Future of Quality Education

I am a Junior transfer student studying in the school of management at the University at Buffalo. I play badminton, and I love cats.