Supporting an Equal Education for Everyone…

Jing He
The Future of Quality Education
2 min readMar 18, 2021

What are the three main issues for unequal education?

The goal of ensuring inclusive and equal education for all.

In this world, not everyone is eligible for higher education; therefore, there are many societal factors. You’re going to find in that there are people who some are no money to eat and go to school because they are poor. Some do not get fair treatment in work and life because of discrimination — the disagreements due to various reasons. We can try to reduce the negative impact so that more people can accept relative education and knowledge. While searching and exploring the origin of the problem, develop new solutions to solve the problem.

The inequalities we receive are inherited from history, and it is difficult to change quickly. We can try to reduce the negative impact so that more people can accept relative education and knowledge. While searching and exploring the origin of the problem, we should develop new solutions to solve the problem. In his blog, Ma argued that discrimination, poverty, and war are direct problems that hinder people from getting an education. This is because when their facts exist simultaneously, it is impossible to support people to receive a quality education. For example, he wrote, “But following the fast pace, the racial discrimination problem already reduced but still exists, so that will help a huge amount of people to get a quality education” (Ma, 2021). In other words, racial discrimination still exists, but it is reduced compared to the past, and in this case, people can well increase education opportunities. In the context of the workplace, this means people have different skin colors, and they can keep earning an education. Every people are good at another thing and trying things that very hard to get a chance.

Thus, “Reduce the war might increase the number of people who have a quality education” (Ma, 2021). In other words, if there were no wars, we would have more people receiving a quality education. In the context of the workplace, this means many people have educations that employers can recruit employees who have received a quality education. Many employees were earning knowledge for quality education. It’s a benefit to get a chance to have an education in their life to do a good job.

You should never ever quit any opportunities that benefit you. Specifically, people start trying something to become better. And in the future, the thing you receive (e.g., education, knowledge, or job) I want you to support people who were having a hard time like you in the past become a successful person.

Cited Words

Ma, J. (2021, March 6). Is it easy to let everyone gets a quality education? Medium.



Jing He
The Future of Quality Education

I am a Junior transfer student studying in the school of management at the University at Buffalo. I play badminton, and I love cats.