Take Action in the Apprenticeships and Future work.

Jing He
The Future of Quality Education
3 min readMar 10, 2021
What is the connection between Apprenticeships and quality education for future work?

Thinking way about how apprenticeship will be influence people finding a job in the future work being successful. It will be significant that people were having a higher education in the present. Because you don’t know how the world changes for people developing education, we must prepare our best always be ready for the world during this incredible technological innovation. During this blog, you can see how Australia works well by focusing on many apprenticeship details in the future.

Smith found that in Australia, to explore how the apprenticeship systems are working influence the future work during the five significant developments (industry 4.0, globalization, structural adjustment, labour movements, ‘gig economy’). In his process, to understand why and what the effect of preparing the solution. According to the article “Apprenticeships and ‘future work’: are we ready?”, Author Erica Smith said, “Overall then, the evidence gained from the surveys indicated that in some respects countries are already starting to take actions that may be useful in responding to the implications arising from ‘future work’ scenarios, with the possibility that with more specifically targeted questions more data would have been obtained” (2019). This quotation demonstrates that Smith’s research from the data provided country started to look at the impact of future work, which is excellent. It is significant concerning the business workplace because once the expert recorded data can predict the present result to the future. It may not be 100% sure for future prediction; however, the expert can estimate or sample statistics from the data. The higher rate will make the economic market risk to the employee worker.

“At the 2016 forum, discussions focused on matters of constant concern in Australia: how to attract young people to apprenticeships at a time when higher education participation was increasing; how to set wage rates to attract mature‐aged entrants; and how to retain apprentices at a time of high attrition” (2019). This quote illustrated that Australia is always concerned about how apprenticeships affect future work; people who have education can specifically attract companies looking forward to themselves. At the same time, companies try to reduce the high turnover rate during higher education.

But why are they reducing the turnover rate in higher education?

Table of screenshot inside the article for ‘Future work’ and apprenticeship systems and companies’ readiness to make adjustments.

You can see a photo of the analysis showing above, how the country and company representatives in the table of these five lists of future work. The explanation with what type of requirement for each of the work features base on the apprenticeship model. In other words, because you have higher education and companies want you to work for their own company. If you have already worked at a company, other companies look at your performance. They may still like to invite you to join. Besides, the premise is that you have capital (e.g., education or knowledge) worth making other companies looking at you.

Works Cited

Erica Smith (2019, January). Apprenticeships and ‘future work’: are we ready?. 23(1), 80–82. International Journal of Training and Development. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/doi/full/10.1111/ijtd.12145



Jing He
The Future of Quality Education

I am a Junior transfer student studying in the school of management at the University at Buffalo. I play badminton, and I love cats.