To Understand What Kind of Study Field is the Right Direction.

Jing He
The Future of Quality Education
3 min readMar 18, 2021
Choose the right job opportunity for you to a parameter.

Each industry has a corresponding field that needs to be studied. People knowing how to choose a major/career for getting formal training is essential in the workplace. Because of the proper education, you earn the best opportunity (e.g., experience, money, and job) you will have in the future.

With the development of science and technology, people’s education and skills for requirements have led to higher speech discussions. The Handel found that in the absence of education, workers’ education exceeds the job requirements, and it is not easy to find a measure. For example, he wrote, “Nevertheless, looking at work as it is performed now in the United States in the context of recent debates over education, the knowledge economy, and workforce skills, it is the relatively modest level of basic literacy and numeracy skills exercised as a regular part of most jobs that is notable.” (Handel, 2016) In other words, if only literacy and arithmetic skill have already begun to decline in work planning through the research data. In the context of the workplace, this means employers would like to look forward to more experience employees work in their company, not only basic literacy and numeracy.

What is STAMP?
A profile of U.S. jobs from the survey of workplace Skills, Technology, and Management Practices (STAMP)

As Handel wrote, “A job might require a certain level of education because of the attitudes, behavioural habits, motivation levels, interpersonal and communication skills, and other kinds of cultural capital that are either produced or signalled by a given education level, quite apart from any cognitive skills not included in the STAMP literacy and problem solving measures.” (2016) In other words, the foundation of a job is inseparable from the cultivation of quality education. The sufficient accumulation of education can determine a person’s upbringing. A person who has not educated is hard to get a good job because they need to know how to communicate with others. In the context of the workplace, this means employers would like to hire employees who received a certain level of education to their company; besides, no one will be hiring a person who hasn’t owned any knowledge and skills.

Why do we need to understand your job when we work?

You were looking forward to a great career in your life. People should get to know every job when you work with them because you should let yourself work into the position to understand this job and do better. For example, if you study business, how do you working as a computer engineer. The answer is no. Before you working a computer engineer, you must know computer knowledge then you know how to work. To get your job in the right way when you received a proper education.

Handel, M. J. (2016). What do people do at work?. J Labour Market Res, 49, 185–186.



Jing He
The Future of Quality Education

I am a Junior transfer student studying in the school of management at the University at Buffalo. I play badminton, and I love cats.