Renewable Energy will Transform Business Practices

One important aspect of the future of business will be the implementation of renewable resources as the sole source of energy for business practices. I will be investigating how we can make this possible and what it will take for renewable resources to be the only form of energy used.

Why is this Important?

I am interested in this topic because it is something that affects us all. We all live on this planet and if we do not start taking better care of it, we will ruin it. It is important for big polluters, like businesses, to take climate change seriously and implement renewable energy sources as soon as possible. Many people would benefit from my findings because it is something that can be applied to many types of industries and hopefully, it will highlight the businesses that are already doing their part to cut down on emissions and people will be more inclined to spend their money at those businesses. I already know that many businesses are hesitant to implement renewable energy resources because of upfront costs and the changes that it would force them to make to their business. Businesses are also hesitant because they will have to change the way things are done which may lead to extra costs. I also already know that big business is the number one contributor to emissions of carbon dioxide and unless they change their practices we will continue to see a change in the climate because of the high levels of emissions.


  1. What is the most effective type of renewable energy to use in business?
  2. What changes will be necessary to make renewable energy available to all types of businesses?
  3. How can we ensure that this change will help promote job growth and new sectors of business?

What Must be Done to Prepare?

To prepare for this type of change it will be crucial that people educate themselves in environmental science. I think every child should have to take an environmental science class in school so that they can be fully aware of how the actions we have taken have fully affected our planet, and how change needs to happen fast and we all need to play a part. If everyone knows how crucial it is to make these changes it will help us as consumers to push business to do better and to focus our money on businesses who are doing the right thing already.

