A 3 Step Guide To Turning Your Brand Into An Award Winning Entertainment Studio

Billee Howard
The Future of Sharing Economy
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1 min readJun 30, 2016

This is my article that was originally published on Forbes.

Today’s era of collaborative commerce, where companies such as Airbnb and Uber rule our lives as the ioT movement takes shape, is giving way to a more pervasive overall collaborative culture.

By placing a collaborative approach to innovation, marketing and communications at the beginning of the supply chain of invention, successful brands can effectively leverage cultures of collaboration to positively impact both commerce as well as meaningful communication.

The studio model, which focuses on the phases of development, production and distribution, all with an eye on building an audience that can be monetized both immediately as well as overtime, is a forward thinking approach any CMO should consider in today’s ultra competitive landscape.

Following are 3 easy steps that will help CMO’s “executive produce” their brands in ways that both “push” and “pull” information and content, as well as drive audience reach and measurable engagement:

Full article and 3 steps here >> http://www.forbes.com/sites/billeehoward/2016/06/21/executive-produce-your-brand/#3b9b20c175d4



Billee Howard
The Future of Sharing Economy

CEO of BRANDthro, an Insights-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform dedicated to creating consumer insights, rooted in emotional intelligence. billee@brandthro.com