WE-commerce: A Look at the New Global Sharing Economy

Billee Howard
The Future of Sharing Economy
3 min readNov 11, 2015

There are very few constants in life these days. Rather, recognizing that things are constantly changing IS what we can expect. This applies to pretty much all areas of life and especially in the business world. Where once their were highly segmented marketplaces, we now have a truly global economy. However, as the new book WE-commerce seeks to explain it doesn’t stop there. Rather, we now have a global sharing economy and those in the business world need to take note of the shift and adjust accordingly.

WE-commerce is penned by Billee Howard, a visionary marketing strategist. Through this book she seeks to lay out her own plan for what success looks like and how to obtain long-term profitability in this new land. The world is changing and only through adjustment will companies continue to prosper.

The title is a reflection of how our commerce has shifted from ME to WE as the needs of many are taking precedence over the needs of a few. Social networking platforms continue to gain momentum and some companies, like Uber, are recognizing ways to harness the potential there. Customers seek out companies willing to listen to their concerns and suggestions rather than sticking with less responsive options.

Customers want a relationship and the companies meeting that need are the ones poised for success. I’ve seen this with friends who run successful direct sales operations as the foster relationships rather than seeking to sell product. I’ll admit to becoming quite loyal to a few companies because of their shift to a WE approach for business.

In what fits so well with this new WE-commerce, Billee is offering a chapter of her new book available for free download. In this case, sharing a piece of her intellectual property is a way to reach out to others and ignite a desire to learn more. I’ve downloaded my copy and am really intrigued to learn more about this new global sharing economy and my place in it.

Do you have a small business or a dream of starting a business and need guidance?

Have you seen the shift from ME to WE in our economy?

Originally published at daybydayinourworld.com on November 10, 2015.



Billee Howard
The Future of Sharing Economy

CEO of BRANDthro, an Insights-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform dedicated to creating consumer insights, rooted in emotional intelligence. billee@brandthro.com