4 Ways Staffing Agencies Can Increase Redeployment Rates

Jennifer Martin
The Future of Staffing
2 min readNov 1, 2018

Originally published on the TimeSaved Blog

Increasing redeployment rates is a common goal for staffing agencies. Unfortunately, these rates are consistently quite low, hovering around 16%. To solve this problem, staffing companies can try a number of different tactics, both offline and online. The important thing is that the agency devote the necessary time and resources to make the strategy successful.

Regular Communication

The simplest and cheapest way to increase redeployment rates is to increase communication. Workers that feel they are cared about are much more likely to return because they form a personal connection and want to maintain it. Whether it’s emails, texts, phone calls or a combination thereof, keeping the lines of communication open is key to increasing redeployment.


Most people want to increase their skills so that they are more attractive in the job market and can ultimately increase their earnings. Agencies that offer simple training on anything from Microsoft Office products to Adobe tools to CRM to ERP to call center tools will get workers coming back again and again. Independently, these can be expensive and time consuming to learn, but an agency can make the process much easier for workers.


Younger workers are increasingly attracted to technology and connecting through their mobile phones. Staffing firms that have ready-made apps are able to communicate with their workforce much easier. These can be a place to post job listings, create a messaging system, utilize maps and GPS functions, create contact lists and other functions. Apps are also a permanent icon on the worker’s phone, constantly reminding them of your agency and keeping your brand top of mind which can help increase redeployment rates as well.


Last but not least, candidates are always seeking the highest possible compensation from their employers. Staffing firms should fight for every last dollar they can for their workers. Staffing companies that prove they can provide the highest rates tend to get a much higher redeployment rate as well.

If you would like to learn more, here is a copy of an exclusive eBook that gives you an insider look into the future of the staffing industry.

