5 Reasons Why Staffing Apps are the Future of Candidate Engagement

Rohan Jacob
The Future of Staffing
3 min readNov 20, 2018

Originally published on the TimeSaved Blog

Many staffing and recruiting agencies have been spurred to action by the knowledge that over 50% of job search happens on mobile. They’ve long ago realized the necessity of building a mobile-friendly site and making sure the mobile job application process is as seamless as possible.

But mobile strategy shouldn’t end with how to fill jobs. Mobile is the future of candidate engagement, and the consistent use of a staffing app, from job fill to job completion, can help you build better relationships with candidates, reduce churn and save time while paving the way for future success.

They let candidates engage from anywhere at anytime

The modern workforce is a flexible one, and people are increasingly looking to work where they want and when they want. This requires a communication strategy that meets them where they are. This is especially true for blue-collar workers who are not spending their days behind a desk, and instead are on their feet, moving around, and thus require a mobile communication experience.

They allow for real-time conversation and updates

Questions about jobs can arise at any time — who do I meet, what equipment do I need, etc. Being able to seek out immediate answers to these questions is a big benefit to workers. Also, being able to update location, availability and contact information on the fly helps both workers and recruiters manage their workflows and resources more effectively.

They can help preempt potential job issues

Having a mobile experience that includes GPS tracking can help recruiters deal with potential job issues before they arise. It allows recruiters to be proactive in a way that will keep issues at bay before they reach the client and to anticipate worker needs.

They increase brand exposure

Having a branded app can be an important aspect of a brand strategy in today’s competitive market. Having your company logo ever present on a smartphone screen, and having a positive user experience bolster that brand equity, is a great way to stand out and solidify value for workers.

They put power in the hands of the worker

Perhaps most important from a candidate engagement perspective, giving workers power and agency in their job experiences is critical. In an increasingly candidate-driven world, staffing companies need to prioritize candidate experience more than ever before.

Bonus: They can save you time

Mobile apps that enable texting can save you time and increase your efficiency. Compared with email’s approximate 20% open rate and the 30% answer rate of phone calls, text open rates peak at 99% — with 90% of texts being read within three minutes. This kind of engagement allows recruiters another level of connection with candidates and allows them to reinvest the time they’ve saved into a better candidate experience

If you would like to learn more, here is a copy of an exclusive eBook that gives you an insider look into the future of the Staffing Industry.



Rohan Jacob
The Future of Staffing

I help staffing agencies modernize their tech stack and get workers into jobs faster.