5 Ways Recruiters Can Increase Productivity and Build Candidate Trust

Daniella Santimano
The Future of Staffing
3 min readNov 7, 2018

Originally published in the TimeSaved Blog

Much like ageing the perfect cheese (you know the kind I’m talking about, that crumbly white deliciousness in the special section at the grocery store), job hunting is an incredibly time-consuming process. Time-consuming and frustrating.

According to a survey conducted by Standout CV, 67% of job seekers noted that dealing with recruiters was one of the toughest parts about finding a job. Candidates believed that they had only a 50 percent chance of hearing back from a recruiter and noted timely communication and lack of feedback as being major deterrents in dealing with recruiters.

So, where’s the disconnect between recruiter’s efforts and how those efforts are perceived by job seekers? And what can recruiters do to ensure clear, consistent communication with their candidates while making time in their days for more thorough feedback?

1) Evaluate how (and where) you communicate with your candidates

There are two things we can assert with confidence: 1) millennials are driving the future of the contingent workforce and 2) millennials hate talking on the phone. So, why do we keep calling them on the phone? Not only is it more time consuming, but they don’t like it. Try texting or using software solutions that reach your candidate via chat — something that’s both more direct and more desirable to your candidates.

2) Make technology your best friend

We want everything in the palm of our hand; mobile communication has become the new norm and something increasingly sought and suggested within the recruitment industry. Enable your workers with the ability to control their workday from their smartphone, and you’ll not only provide them with a better experience but also save time in the process.

3) Make it easy for candidates to update information

It’s generally the recruiter’s responsibility to keep their candidate’s information current. Use a platform that makes it quick and simple for the candidates to update their own availability and profile information while also providing a visible benefit for doing so (like more job bookings).

4) Build in a feedback loop

Feedback is a critical part of the job search for job seekers. Building a feedback loop or review system into your process can help your candidates better understand their strengths and weaknesses while also building trust with clients.

5) Track your time

The best recruiters know that the difference between being average at your job and being great at your job is spending time on the things that matter, and tracking your time can be an eye-opening exercise. Realizing that you spend too much time on sourcing, qualifying or doing record management and not enough time on candidate follow up will allow you to plan and change.

Better candidate communication is key to overcoming their hesitancy to work with recruiters. To achieve this, consider the small things in your day that can be made quicker and more efficient so that you can get back to managing relationships (or eating the two-year-old cheddar you’re probably craving after reading this. We all have our priorities).

If you would like to learn more, here is a copy of an exclusive eBook that gives you an insider look into the future of the Staffing Industry.



Daniella Santimano
The Future of Staffing

Living, Learning and Sharing about Talent Management & Employee Engagement