How is High-Tech Recruitment transforming the Staffing World?

Anant Paramesh
The Future of Staffing
3 min readOct 30, 2018

Originally Published in the TimeSaved Blog

Mobile recruitment brings with it the technology of AI into the staffing world. In the same way that smartphones are called smart for a reason, mobile recruitment intelligently streamlines your hiring process. But how can mobile recruitment and AI help your agency?

1. Speed things up

Mobile technology, represented by mobile apps, present a win-win scenario to both the provider and consumer. In recruitment, the agency is both the provider and consumer. As a consumer, your recruitment agency gets the benefits of the app consolidating all your hiring procedures into a platform, dashboard or an easily accessible funnel/task flow.

Unlike programs and software YOU have to learn and integrate to, these dashboards and task flows are setup to integrate with YOUR existing system and data stacks and start handling the most time-consuming and repetitive tasks, like resume screening.

Automation can take care of resume/profile selection and pre-qualifying according to pre-set conditions (location, availability, skills), so that every employee in your agency saves the 23 hours usually spent for a single hire, the bulk of it spent on manual pre-screening.

Being able to deliver a larger hiring volume without an accompanying larger cost in manpower and time spent gives you an edge over the bigger players in the field.

2. Better job matching, better quality of hire

Companies like TimeSaved, aim to fully incorporate machine learning and artificial intelligence-based placement to predict the success and the fit of a candidate for a particular role. Agencies using their apps effectively bridge the gap between workers often overlooked and the jobs waiting for them out there. How well they were matched can be determined through a previously shadowy KPI in recruitment: quality of hire.

Quality of hire is no longer difficult or even impossible to quantify. HR technology and apps now gather data from candidates as they get matched for a job, get hired, and complete the job.

The quality of hire makes agency employees happy, with turnover decreased by 35%, and the quality and accessibility of the data also reduces the cost per screen per employee by 75%.

3. Automated communications

Today’s candidate expect and demands engagement. AI can help you give that to them: auto-responses for every sent application, job postings, job match alerts, updates during the application process, knowing every candidate’s background during the interview process.

By providing these, you give an awesome impression of your agency to your candidate pool. You establish your brand for every message and update sent. Human connection matters. In an Indeed survey, 53% of candidates say that the agency builds trust when the company views their application promptly and reaches out.

With AI, you can reply promptly to every application received and even setup chatbots for scripted but still personal answers and guidance during the interview and hiring process.

4. Shift from Procedure to Strategy

With time-consuming tasks automated, data to study for the quality of hire, and with better relationships built with your candidate pool, your agency has the time and tools to be proactive about job placement instead of reactive to deadlines and pressure.

You’d also improve relationships with hiring managers and companies, build a reputation and attract more clients and candidates combined, starting a cycle of better communication, better quality of hire, and better acquisitions.

If you would like to learn more, here is a copy of an exclusive eBook that gives you an insider look into the future of the Staffing Industry.

