White Labelling and What it Can Do for Your Staffing Agency

Rohan Jacob
The Future of Staffing
2 min readNov 20, 2018

Originally published on the TimeSaved Blog

White labelling has become a hot topic in the staffing industry. More and more companies are taking advantage of white labelling to make their software and services more authentic. However, this term is still misunderstood by many.


White labelling is the process of customizing, labeling and localizing software or apps for the specific third party company using it. That means that the logo and colours will be applied to the tool so that it integrates perfectly with the rest of the branding and marketing of the company. In addition, the tool can be customized with specific features and tools that the company needs most.


A white-label solution principally makes the software feel much more organic and native to the company. It makes the app look and feels like it was developed by and for your firm.

Secondly, it improves the visibility and branding of your firm. Every time a client opens or displays your app, your brand will immediately appear. Over time, that becomes hard to forget.

White labelling also saves a tremendous amount of time and money. Good software firms will never charge the same amount to license the product as to develop it. That means you can choose the best of what is on the market without spending months, or potentially years, building it on your own. The product will be well refined and suitable for your needs.


Recruiters and managers in the staffing space focus on people to people interactions. They work on building up clients and finding the right staff for each position. For that reason, it makes more sense for them to outsource building apps and software rather than build it internally. Staffing companies should seek out software providers that allow them to white-label their apps to meet their own branding and messaging needs.

App Explosion

The world of apps in the staffing sector is truly exploding. Firms without these tools risk losing out to the competition. Fortunately, a white-label tool can quickly and painlessly produce a native app that meets your needs.

If you would like to learn more, here is a copy of an exclusive eBook that gives you an insider look into the future of the Staffing Industry.



Rohan Jacob
The Future of Staffing

I help staffing agencies modernize their tech stack and get workers into jobs faster.