Typical Workday of an Airline Employee

(Delta Self-Service Kiosk Area)
(Delta App)

I cannot think of a moment in time during my work shift that I am not utilizing technology in some way, shape, or form. Whether it be checking in passengers at the ticket counter, boarding the aircraft at the gates, or helping passengers locate their lost luggage down in baggage. I start off my shift by clocking into our time-clock system. Following that, I head over to my computer station in order to get signed into the SNAPP system. This is a system which grants us the ability to check in passengers for their flights and print them their boarding passes. If I was to head to the gates area of the airport, I would also be operating off of a computer utilizing the SNAPP system to board the aircraft. The old method in which they used to board their aircraft is considered to be the manual version; it was simply a printout of the passenger count. This means the process in which you went through to ensure which passengers were on board was to physically go onto the aircraft and count each head on board. You can imagine how much time that takes up in the boarding process. The advancement of technology has made the boarding process much more efficient and convenient than ever before. Other additional features that have been provided for the convenience of passengers nowadays are the usage of self-service kiosks and the Delta App. Self-service kiosks provide passengers with the leisure to check themselves in rather than waiting in line to be checked in by a customer service agent. This not only saves the passenger time to quickly get to their departure gate but it also takes some workload off of the employees. All that is required in order to utilize the kiosk are your confirmation number and a form of identification. You will then be able to print your boarding passes to your final destination with ease. The Delta App is a recently developed feature that has grown to become the more preferable option to majority of passengers throughout their travel journey. Especially during these unprecedented times with COVID-19 cases increasing in numbers, people would much rather utilize the Delta App off of their own phone than a paper boarding pass given by the agent. The Delta App is probably the most convenient method that has been invented for customers of Delta. All you have to do is input your confirmation number and it will; grant you the ability to check yourself in virtually and bring up your mobile boarding pass. The only other item that would be required to get through security is a form of identification. Traveling in the airport has just become that much more convenient because of technology.



Fahed Youssef
The Future of Technology (Fahed Youssef)

I am a junior at the University at Buffalo majoring in Business Administration.