Introduction to Sustainable Fashion

Welcome to my blog! The future sustainability goal I will be researching is UN sustainable development goal number 12, ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. More specifically, I will be focusing on the sustainable fashion movement.

The fashion industry plays a large part in climate change, and not for positive reasons. This is largely caused by its non-eco-friendly and unsustainable production methods but consumption methods also take part. Fashion and style are important personal interests of mine, therefore researching this topic is incredibly interesting. I would love to see growth and development in this area because it is an important part of me.

Since this is a personal interest of mine, I am somewhat informed on the sustainable fashion movement. For example, a lot of people who are even not into fashion know about the fast fashion industry and its harmful effects on the environment.

For those who are not as informed about fashion, fast fashion is a term used to describe highly profitable businesses that profit off of replicas of catwalk or trendy fashion produced at low costs.

Source: Google Images —

Another example is the increase in second-hand shopping. People don’t even realize how much influence thrift shopping has on fashion sustainability. I think it’s incredible how resurfacing trends from previous decades have made thrift shopping such an influential force in fashion again.

For many people, fashion and style are something personal so they don’t even think about how just buying a shirt from a thrift shop is helping the environment. In reality, by buying that second-hand shirt, they are decreasing the immense amount of textile waste that the world amasses each year.

Through this research blog, I hope to increase my knowledge in this area and learn how I can do my part in making fashion more sustainable. Thus I have some main research questions I hope to answer…

What are some ways in which brands are being sustainable and conscious of the environment?

I have never really heard too much about how well-known fashion brands are working to be sustainable. I know of some smaller fashion brands that are eco-friendly, but larger brands, often don’t seem to advertise sustainability. I am interested in learning about the production methods brands use to decrease their effects on the environment.

What are the true effects that the fashion industry has on the environment?

I know unsustainable production methods prevail in the fashion industry, for example the use of microplastics in fabrics and high water consumption. However, I would like to expand my understanding of just how influential the fashion industry is on the environment.

How can regular people like me help the sustainable fashion movement?

Second-hand shopping is one important method, however I would like to learn about other ways regular people can be sustainable in regards to fashion. Since this is something I feel passionate about, I hope to learn how I can make a change in this movement that truly makes an impact.

Clothing and style are such influential and crucial aspects of our everyday lives, so we often don’t even realize how much it effects the world around us. I hope this blog can help people learn about the effects of their clothing and the importance of way that they treat their clothing. This research can also help in teaching ways for people to be more sustainable in regards to their clothing and the environment.



Julia Damore
Future of the Fashion Industry: Sustainabile Fashion

Hi! My name is Julia Damore. I am a freshman business major at the University at Buffalo . Nice to meet you! :)