The Future Of Transportation Is Autonomous And Electric Vehicles According To Marc Zaransky

No longer happy to stay on the fringes, autonomous and electric cars are edging toward the center of the mainstream auto market. No longer are self-driving cars just a part of a sci-fi movie or a dream to be realized in the distant future. Autonomous and electric vehicles are the future, but the future is today.

Entrepreneur and business owner, Marc Zaransky has been in the auto business for over 35 years providing lease vehicles and finance options to large corporate accounts and professionals. He’s not surprised by the rise of autonomous and electric vehicles. “I anticipate,” he says, “a marked shift in the transportation industry with the advent of self-driving cars as well as electric cars. And once their prices go down, they’ll be embraced by just about everybody regardless of their budget or taste in vehicles.”

Lower Cost

When you compare an electric car with a vehicle that runs on fossil-fuel, you’ll notice that the electric car is pricier. In fact, it’s quite an investment and that might make you hesitate or opt to go for the more affordable gas-guzzling car.

“But that would be a mistake,” explains Marc Zaransky, “because you’re overlooking two important factors here. Namely fuel and maintenance.” Put side by side, the electric car has fewer moving parts and these parts are more durable than the ones in a car with an internal combustion engine.

As an added value, the cost of running an electric car doesn’t exceed $300 per year. When you consider the ever-rising costs of gas, suddenly that steep price of the electric car doesn’t seem so high anymore.

Reduced Impact on the Environment

Another factor here to consider is the environment. It’s no secret that cars that run on fossil fuel are a major cause of air pollution. Car emissions contribute to high levels of heart conditions and respiratory diseases.

This is most obvious in urban settings where vehicle emissions are noticeably higher, and the quality of the air is poor, verging on hazardous. As a result, many health experts predict that if electric vehicles were to become as widespread as cars that run on petrol, there would be a sharp improvement in human health the world over.

The Tesla Phenomenon

Finally, there’s the meteoric rise of Tesla. According to Marc Zaransky, one of the main reasons Tesla is such a huge success story is its ability to predict future trends and design cars that meet demands years in the future. “It’s fair to say that this is a company that’s way ahead of its peers as it takes future technology rather seriously.”

With a keen eye on its customers’ needs, the company has created a loyal fanbase that wouldn’t dream of driving, let alone purchasing, a different car brand. The futuristic aesthetic of the Tesla cars, combined with the comfort, luxury, and convenience that driving such a car brings to one’s life, all cement the brand’s position in today’s auto market and its grip on its future.



Marc Zaransky
The Future of Trasnportation with Marc Zaransky

Hi, I’m Marc Zaransky. I’m an automotive consultant from the Chicago area.