How You Can Outperform Your Competition with a Simple Recipe for Hybrid High-Performing Teams

Being ahead of the curve has never mattered so much

Johnny Hamilton
The Future of Workplace Learning
4 min readNov 23, 2021


In 2018, Justin Trudeau (the Prime Minister of Canada) addressed the World Economic Forum stating, “The pace of change has never been this fast, yet it will never be this slow again.” This was a year before the COVID pandemic hit and two years before Operation Warp Speed was launched. Life sciences companies were challenged to find a vaccine for COVID as fast as possible- much faster than the typical development cycle of 10 years. Three US companies met this challenge and received the emergency authorization of their vaccine in about a year. The development process was 10 times faster than ever before, which is incredible.

The significance of this story is not how fast these three companies developed their vaccines. The key takeaway is understanding how much of a difference only several weeks or months in bringing products to market can make to a business’s bottom line. Here is what each company earned in Q1–2 2021 and the date of their FDA emergency authorization:

  • Pfizer: December 2, 2020 earned $11.3 billion
  • Moderna: December 18, 2020 earned $5.9 billion
  • Johnson and Johnson: February 27, 2021 earned $0.3 billion

Pfizer has utterly dominated its market, earning a minimum of 5.4 billion dollars more than their competitors, because it led and continues to be the leader for their market. Yet responding immediately to a rapidly changing world environment is not limited to life sciences. Consider these sectors:

  • Automotive companies are racing to bring electric cars to market to change and reduce the carbon footprint
  • Insurance/fin-tech companies are reassessing how climate change impacts their business models
  • All companies are adjusting how to attract and retain talent amid changing workforce dynamics of the great resignation

Pfizer has been able to succeed and reap huge rewards for a number of reasons. Beyond advances in production and technologies, an essential factor to their success is their people- specifically how they work together as hybrid, high-performing teams. Let’s explore this more.

How to Develop Hybrid, High-Performing Teams

For gaining a background understanding for this work, access these articles:

This article builds upon these ideas and focuses on what happens when the learning and development systems you already have (i.e., Learning Experience Platforms, Learning Management Systems) are fully integrated and supported by a capability-building framework.

A standard approach to building hybrid, high-performing teams is to first identify what skills and capabilities your business needs for success. Next, you assess the proficiency levels of your workforce in these areas and finally provide training to fill the gaps. This approach often yields typical or standardized results. However, typical, standard, or even slightly improved results are not enough to succeed in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

You don’t wear sandals if you expect to run and win a race — your shoe design must fit the situation.

What your organization needs are new designs supported by new tools to create new value so you can emerge stronger in 2022. Using an integrated ecosystem of learning and performance support tools, you can architect a solution that will:

  1. Use a microlearning platform like Qstream to quickly assess your team/org on key skills
  2. Leverage real-time analytics to shine a light on performance gaps
  3. Implement advanced integrations so that those workers who need support in key areas are automatically enrolled in a specific learning path in another platform like Degreed or in your LMS so they can fill their gaps
  4. Track and report progress from multiple learning and performance platforms to gain a better understanding of current capability gaps and predict future needs

It’s a Simple Recipe

Using a capability-building framework like My Baseline Builder’s, you can change the story you’re able to tell as a learning professional. Reaching beyond completions (10+ years ago), beyond actionable analytics (1–2 years ago), you are now able to offer predictive analytics of the skills and capabilities of your workforce. It is just that simple. You can change the conversation you have with the C-suite: You’ll bring valuable business intelligence to the table that will drive the changes your business is seeking to be successful.

Are You Curious About This?

If you want to talk with experts about how you can do this in your org, take the next step at:

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Johnny Hamilton
The Future of Workplace Learning

As an award-winning learning innovation thought leader, writer, and learning architect/designer, I’m helping design and build the future of workplace learning.