Take Interactive PDFs to a Whole New Level- Like a Wall

Adding an Augmented Reality layer enhances what a PDF can do

Johnny Hamilton
The Future of Workplace Learning
4 min readJul 3, 2020


Skyler’s office just implemented new cleaning recommendations due to COVID-19. Although he got the email about it last week, that doesn’t do him any good at this moment- He just spilled his coffee in the break room and wants to clean it up.

This is a teachable moment in the flow of work- he wants to know how to clean up the mess properly, but he doesn’t know the new protocols

Luckily, there’s a sign posted on the wall that explains how to clean at work with the new COVID-19 protocols. But his coffee spilled on the hard surface of the table and the soft surface of a chair. The sign doesn’t go into that much detail. How can the answer be found quickly and easily?

What if the solution is as simple as holding a smartphone up to scan the sign on the wall and then tapping to see how to clean soft and hard surfaces?

This is an Augmented Reality enhanced PDF sign. Get the free Zappar app and scan this to launch the experience.

Enhancing PDFs with Augmented Reality

This is a 25 second demo of an AR-enhanced PDF experience

As shown in this video, the printed sign on the wall has been transformed into a launchpad of digital experiences. This solution enables workers to access whatever learning and support they need when and where they need it- without disrupting their flow of work. If the sign provides enough information, then that’s great. But if more is needed, it’s only a tap away.

What kind of content can workers access in this augmented layer? The possibilities are endless…

  • “How to” Websites in multiple languages (as shown above)
    so workers can better understand the content in their native language
  • Mini-podcasts of interviews of health experts
    so workers can build their background knowledge on the subject
  • Online Store of recommended personal protective equipment (PPE) and cleaning supplies
    so workers can purchase items for their personal use beyond work
  • Instructional Videos that demonstrate best practices of cleaning
    so workers can keep their areas and their homes clean and safe
  • Analytic Dashboards of real-time data
    so workers can quickly and easily access accurate and updated information

User Experience Considerations

PDFs have been great for workers for decades. They are easily accessible and can be viewed natively in modern browsers or using the free Adobe Reader app. They can be accessed and downloaded from almost anywhere (i.e., websites, SharePoint, DropBox). They can also be easily emailed and printed.

Interactive PDFs

PDFs can also include interactive elements that allow workers to access additional content to deepen their learning. With a simple click, they can link to:

  • Online resources
  • Emails
  • Videos

The problem with PDFs

The problem with this user experience is that it breaks as soon as the PDF is printed. All the benefits of the additional content vanishes when the PDF is posted on a wall or bulletin board.

But with an AR-enhanced PDF, workers can quickly and easily access all of the related content that was in the emailed PDF. Now they can access it wherever they are at work:

  • In their office
  • In the hallway or break room
  • On the workplace floor

Design Considerations

An Augmented Reality layer can be added to any PDF. PDFs can be created from almost any authoring platform from the ubiquitous (Microsoft Office and Google Docs) to the specialized (Adobe InDesign). Once the PDF is developed, an AR trigger image can be added that will launch the digital experience. This experience can be as simple as launching a YouTube video or as complex as launching a 3D object or 360 photo.

What about QR codes?

Traditional QR codes have been around for years and have the ability to launch a website or video from a printed PDF.

Scan this QR code to go to “The Future of Workplace Learning” Medium publication

However, bear in mind that QR codes only launch a single item, while AR can launch many experiences.

Creating an AR-Enhanced PDF Must Be Super Complicated, Right?

Creating a simple AR-enhanced PDF is not as difficult as it might seem, if you use the right tools and are familiar with creating PDFs in the first place. In fact, you can create one using free tools.

Watch how to create your own interactive PDF using Zappar

Watch how a video can be embedded in a PDF using Augmented Reality

Explore More

If you’re interested in exploring more about how AR can support learning, download this free whitepaper:

This Is What Happens When MicroLearning Meets Augmented Reality

Join the conversations in these LinkedIn groups:

Do you want support designing and developing an AR-enhanced PDF for your organization? If so, connect with Ingenuiti at www.ingenuiti.com/learning-solutions.



Johnny Hamilton
The Future of Workplace Learning

As an award-winning learning innovation thought leader, writer, and learning architect/designer, I’m helping design and build the future of workplace learning.