Week 1: Team Reflection

Carnegie Mellon University
Graduate Interaction Design Studio 2
Spring 2018


Team Members:

Denise Nguyen, Melody Ma, Scott Dombkowski, Joseph Hines, Devika Singh

This year’s design challenge:

Design a product, service or solution that demonstrates the value and differentiation of AI in learning, teaching, and education.

WEEK 1 | January 19, 2018

After the project kick off, our team met up to start working on our territory map. Our first meeting was just a brain dump of what each member is thinking about (e.g. feelings about AI, interest areas, timeline for design solution, possible stakeholders, etc.). We also came up with some possible questions to explore.

Initial Attempt at Territory Mapping (aka Brain Dump)

The key points from this first meeting were:

  • Artificial Intelligence can take jobs, but also create and prepare people for new jobs.
  • Lifelong learning is probably easier for the scope of this project than working with early education (i.e. kids)
  • Maybe we can design around educating people on AI
  • Joe has some readings for us from his research paper

Some of the questions we had were:

  • Who will control the content created for education in the future?
  • What skills are needed for the next generation?
  • What is does the future of education mean for us?
  • What timeline are we looking at?
  • What field do we want to focus on?
  • Who do we want to partner with?
  • We need to define: AI, teaching, learning, and education?

Then we met up again to work in our team contract and to get to know each other better. We established that clear communication and pro-active documentation is key to working together for the next four months.

P.S. Today was also Melody’s Birthday and she wished for us all to have a successful project. ;)

