Why Join the World Future Society

World Future Society
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2018

Each of us has a story to share about the moment or experience that led us down a path of curiosity about the future . . .

Maybe for you it began with a fascination for how fiction could one day become a reality. Or maybe it started with a deeply seated dissatisfaction with the status quo. Perhaps a project, calling, or passion has led you to ask the bigger questions about our “prime directive” as humans and how we can thoughtfully harness the power of technology and use a longview to create better futures in our own lifetimes.

No matter how you found us, no matter where your passion for the future is rooted, to you we say:

Welcome! You have found a community of new friends. 👋

At the World Future Society, we believe that as humans and as citizens of the future, we have an obligation to ask the big questions and dig into the diverse perspectives and ideas that define this moment in time. We believe that by tapping into our collective knowledge and expertise, we can come together to make smarter, better decisions that will have a lasting and positive impact on our future.

We are lifelong learners driven by curiosity and a passion not only for conversation, but for action. We welcome anyone who is open-minded, hopeful about the future, and eager to roll up their sleeves.

Are you ready to dive in?

Why Join the World Future Society?

For over 50 years, the World Future Society has been at the forefront of defining what it means to embrace a Futurist Mindset. Whether you’re focused on social impact, creating a disruptive business, or exploring exponential technology, we believe there is a futurist in each of us.

This community is a gathering place for curious, open-minded citizens of the future as we come together to uncover new and exciting opportunities to impact our world. We believe we cannot be passive observers in the future, but active creators.

Join the World Future Society to:

👊 Meet people like you who are on the same quest for uncovering and pursuing our purpose as humans and how we can better work together to drive new initiatives and technologies forward.

💬 Become an active participant in collaborative, satisfying discussions that are focused on charting a new course for humanity. Exchange ideas, share your own personal experiences, and learn from other forward-thinkers like you.

🤔 Go deep on the questions that don’t always have easy or obvious answers. Every day in our community we’re launching new conversations around topics like AI and emerging technology, the future of work, advances in education, and how we can harness new research to chart a better course for humanity.

🎙 Get access to exclusive events available only to World Future Society members. Participate in online conferences and monthly Q&As with leading futurists, entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, and each other.

🚀 Learn how to take the new ideas and initiatives we create together and turn them into real-world action in your own work and personal pursuits.

💡 And above all, be inspired every day.

We’re in this together, and we believe it’s up to us to co-create the futures we want to see.

We hope you will join us! Click here to learn more.



World Future Society

Our mission is to awaken the Futurist Mindset in everyone. Join us as we come together to chart a new course for humanity. 💫