The Unscalable Truth

David Sulitzer
Published in
1 min readOct 8, 2015

This is just a reminder. That we all live at a certain scale. That we are all oblivious to the other scales. Our cells all collaborate for a greater purpose. But they are unaware of it. And their collective death means our individual end.

In the same way, we might be collaborating for a super organism which we cannot even conceive. Who knows what the unicity of our particular plurality entails. Perhaps the morality of scalable responsibility should be discussed. Is it wrong of cells to fail us?

When we fight for survival, we fight for the continuation of ourselves and by extension that of our species. But we might be battling it out for much more. The emancipation of life itself. Or the proliferation of a tumorous universe. Or the awakening of a universal consciousness, localised brain grasping for nervous reach.

If we aren’t able to amend our sensorium with derivative scales, what to make of the unscalable truth? The self contained predicament of an ostracised species. Drifting out of purpose. How to bare the weight of seclusion? Our oppressed reality needs a shakedown. A little revolution. A scalable perception. This is just a reminder.



David Sulitzer

Ardent minimalist with patient curiosity. Avid science fiction reader with a philosophical mind.