Time Dilution

David Sulitzer
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2015

What if the real secret to a longer and happier life was time dilution? Instead of relentlessly extending our longevity, why not focus on extracting every possible ounce of life of every moment? Making every second blossom into an eternity of sensations.

The exercise is about letting go of your grab on the present. Anyone can achieve it with practice. Trick your own mind. First, become aware of the time flow. Then extract yourself from it. Stand still and look around you. Become receptive to the tiniest changes in your environment. A leaf falling, dust swirling. Stare almost analytically.

Concentration will bring on calm and fascination. Let your essence append the world around you. Slowly deconstructing its agitation so as to be left with immobile units. Mesmerizing suspension. You should feel time stretching through the blur of animations and sounds.

Perhaps one day people will be taught to manipule their own perception thus. From an early age, they will take the plunge into a stagnant world where all details are sublimed. Where the future never comes and the present never leaves.

A childlike amazement could spread through generations and finally ensure insatiable curiosity, the drive that leads explorers. Explorers of lands, explorers of life and joy and beauty, explorers of eternity.



David Sulitzer

Ardent minimalist with patient curiosity. Avid science fiction reader with a philosophical mind.