8 Online Marketing Tools for a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Evan Varsamis
Gadget Flow
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2018


Did you know that sending and receiving emails is one of the most popular online activities, accounting for a whopping 79% of activity in 2016? And while 93% of shoppers’ decisions to buy is influenced by social media, only 43% of companies with online stores report witnessing significant traffic from these platforms. To top it off, 64% of consumers say that watching a marketing video on social media influenced them to make a purchase.

These statistics outline the importance of managing your online social media presence when it comes to a successful campaign. Luckily, there are many useful online tools and apps that can help you become an online marketing pro.

What are the ultimate online marketing tools for your crowdfunding campaign?


Buffer is an all-in-one platform that allows you to manage the majority of your social media platforms, if not all of them. It’s incredibly user-friendly and makes managing your activities on various social media channels that much easier. If you purchase their Premium plan, then you can also receive a weekly social media report.


With Klout, you receive a social media influencer score that helps you determine where you stand and what you need to work on. The higher your score, the more likely your crowdfunding campaign will be a success. It’s a useful tool to find out your ranking among your competition and motivate you in the right direction.


While it’s great to have different types of content, it’s even more valuable to know which ones have the most impact. BuzzSumo is a useful tool that allows you to evaluate how well your content is performing for your crowdfunding, online marketing, and SEO campaigns. You can even use it to see what works for your competitors.

Coschedule Headline Analyzer

Headlines are a crucial factor when it comes to online marketing, regardless of whether you’re creating one for social media or a blog post. This headline analyzer helps you tweak your headlines until they’re the best they can be.

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator

Having a blog, and keeping it updated, is good practice for any campaign. However, it can be tricky to come up with compelling topics day in and day out. Luckily, Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator suggests interesting ideas that can save time and possibly even spark more of your own creative ideas.


While well written content is definitely a must, so are great visuals to go along with it. Canva is a user-friendly design tool that provides you with images that work on various social media platforms, as well as your other online marketing needs.


All of your online campaigns and social media activities work towards the same goal: to generate more leads. Socedo helps you engage with and grow your audience on social media, automatically and more efficiently.


Bitly is a link management platform that makes it easier to evaluate your click rates from potential customers and drive better engagement. In fact, you can also use it to track the traffic rate of your crowdfunding campaign.

Of course, many other useful online tools can help you with your crowdfunding campaign.

These are just some personal favorites. What are your top tools? I’d love to know!



Evan Varsamis
Gadget Flow

Founder @mintifyme CEO @GadgetFlow Contributor @Forbes | Investor & Speaker | BOD @0xCap @HustleClickAI @CreatorClub | CloneX 11939, XCOPY | #CarbonNeutral