This portable air purification system breathes new life into your environment by going above and beyond

Gadget Flow
Gadget Flow
Published in
5 min readSep 30, 2021

Breathe clean, healthy air with the AirBubbl. This portable air purification system filters out pollutants, airborne pathogens, and more to keep you healthy.

For many people, life has finally returned to a pre-pandemic state of “normal.” We’re dining out, taking road trips, and returning to the office. While many people are breathing a sigh of relief, they may also worry about the dangers that sigh could pose to their health. And that’s where this portable air purification system comes in.

Between concerns about airborne human coronavirus, seasonal allergies, and particle and gas pollutants, it can feel like taking a deep breath brings about more stress than it alleviates. That, AirLabs says, is why it designed Airbubbl. It’s a portable air purifier that filters out all of those environmental hazards-and more-to help everyone breathe safe, clean air.

Get security that’s portable

You are what you breathe, and the quality of the air around you has a direct impact on your health and quality of life. That’s why the AirBubbl unit works in vehicles-one of the most common areas with poor air quality, according to AirLabs’ Chief Science Officer, Matthew Johnson.

In fact, this air purifier is 99% effective at removing pollutants like ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and carcinogenic VOCs. It also filters out airborne allergens like dust, dander, pollen, and inhalable particulate matter. Meanwhile, this portable air purification system’s dual-action HEPA filter removes more than 99% of airborne human coronavirus, according to Johnson.

While air quality has always been a health concern, it’s never been as pressing as it is right now. With the airborne human coronavirus continuing to spread, air quality is more important than ever. For this reason, AirBubbl’s top priority is to provide users with a sense of security.

Create a bubble of safe air with this highly effective air purifier

Once AirLabs’ air filtration and air quality monitoring systems were widely adopted by transport operators, cities, and businesses worldwide, the company began exploring how to adapt that technology to support the public. Those who want to ensure their air quality contributes to their health, not detracts from it.

“A single AirBubbl unit produces 10,000 gallons of clean, filtered air per hour, which is world-leading in terms of Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR),” says Johnson. “For reference, humans exhale about 130 gallons of air per hour.”

Also, according to Johnson, there’s no possible way the AirBubbl can’t provide you with ample clean air. This portable air purification system protects you, your space, and those around you.

Flood your space with clean air

“Our goal is to flood your space with clean air and reduce your exposure to air pollution and airborne pathogens,” says Johnson. “When the problem is airborne, you need lots and lots of clean air, both in quantity and quality, and that’s what we do.”

This portable air purification system goes above and beyond what even the most advanced built-in vehicle filtration systems can do. According to the company, third-party studies on a range of standard cabin filters show particulate matter removal ratios between 1% and 90%. In contrast, the AirBubbl’s removal ratio is between 95% and 99%.

What’s more, the AirBubbl underwent tests and verification by the Institut Pasteur de Lille in France. It’s a laboratory known for its work with viruses and other pathogens. The Institut’s testing determines that the AirBubbl removes more than 99% of airborne human coronavirus.

In addition, according to Johnson, independent tests also prove that the AirBubbl removes more than 99% of harmful airborne particles. These include gas pollutants, allergens, and pathogens. With such a great success rate, it’s no wonder that AirBubbl is AirLabs’ first consumer product release.

Support cleaner air with this high-quality air purifier

According to the Air Quality Life Index, published in an annual report by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, air pollution is a threat to life expectancy. And the danger is higher than that of smoking, HIV/AIDS, or war. However, while air quality has always been a concern, it’s never been as pressing as it is now. That’s mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It is more important than ever that there is awareness of the danger of poor air quality,” says Giblin. “We are deeply committed to driving awareness of the problem and providing solutions. We believe that now is the right time to bring this product to the US so that people can protect themselves with clean, safe air wherever they breathe.”

That is why this portable air purification system doesn’t just remove pollution from the air, but it also sends clean air back to users through advanced airflow modeling. In effect, it channels clean air directly into the path of users.

Fill your car with clean air

The AirBubbl filters up to 95% of airborne pollutants from the typical vehicle cabin. This occurs with the windows closed and the vehicle’s ventilation set to low and recirculating. Then, the device provides 30 cubic meters of clean air per hour.

This is class-leading based on the size and weight of the AirBubbl device. Whether you’re driving through a smoggy rush hour or worrying about possible coronavirus exposure, the AirBubbl has you and your lungs covered.

With this portable air purification system, you can ensure that you and your loved ones are safe from airborne pathogens. After all, breathing clean air is more than just a “nice to have” element of daily life-it’s essential to well-being and peace of mind.

Originally published at on September 30, 2021.



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