Working from home? Here are 6 ways to jumpstart your Monday

Ashley Timms
Gadget Flow
Published in
6 min readMay 7, 2018


As technology improves, so do our work lives. The trend of working from home, or from anywhere, is on the rise and we can’t seem to get enough of it. But, even if you have the option to work from bed, Monday is still Monday. Here are six life hacks to help you get through the toughest day of the week.

  1. Looking to work from home? Rule #1 is to get out of bed and change out of your pajamas to be the most productive.
  2. If you have to go into the office some days, choose Wednesdays to work from home. It breaks up your week yet keeps up your productivity and efficiency.
  3. Companies of all sizes are implementing work-from-home policies. You have millennials to thank for that. WFH options are now a considerable part of benefits packages.

Start as you mean to go on

In order to start your week off right, you’ve got to end your weekend right. Use Sunday as a chance to unwind and clear your head. Whether you kick back with friends over a BBQ or dabble in some true R&R, make Sunday downtime count.

Check out this list to see how you can achieve total-body relaxation in five minutes or less. It includes things like a hand massage as well as eating chocolate. If you’re truly looking to cut down on your stress, avoid caffeine and nicotine. Instead, get active and a full night’s rest. But, stress often gets the best of us even with a balanced life. TouchPoints is a clever device that creates new neural pathways and shifts your stress in just 30 seconds so you can get on with your day.

Give yourself a boost

Sometimes, no matter how much rest you get during the weekend, it never feels like enough when Monday morning rolls along. Many of us bite the bullet and commit to a morning of grogginess. Of course, coffee is your go-to companion to kick-starting your day and for good reason; there are loads of health benefits. Of course, if you’re working from home, it’s unlikely that you have an industrial sized state-of-the-art machine in your kitchen. That doesn’t mean great coffee is out of reach. In fact, you can now easily roast your coffee right at home in small batches. For brewing, pour-over methods deliver exceptional flavor. If you want something a bit smoother, you can make cold brew coffee in just minutes. Because you’re already at home, you can brew and re-brew as often as you need to get yourself through the day.

Having the right mug for your coffee can make all the difference. Check out this list of great mugs to get started.

Focus on your goals

Still looking for a little more pep in your step? Try some at-home (which also happens to be at-work) motivation. Along with changing out of your pajamas first thing in the morning, you should also stick to a routine to get your mind ready for the day ahead. Take a shower, read the paper over breakfast, walk the dog, or do anything else that you’d do if you had to go into an office. From there, dress the part. Of course, staying comfortable is paramount but putting on fresh (and clean!) clothes will get your mind ready. Meditating is a also wonderful way to center yourself to take on the day.

To stay motivated during the day, use a journal to direct your focus. If you’re looking for motivation for the big picture, use the Fear Hacking Journal to understand your “why” and get inspired. You can also combine mental and physical activities to up your motivation. This exercise bike is complete with a desk on the top so you can burn calories, stay positive, and get everything done.

Define your working space

What surrounds you can help or hinder your work. First things first: make sure you have everything you need. This includes a Wi-Fi connection that won’t let you down as well as a place with plenty of fresh air and light. One tip is to make sure where you work at home is different to where you relax. In short, stop working from your bed. Instead, change the spare room into an office or set up shop on one end of your dining room table. This way, when your day is done, you can physically leave this space and truly be done with work.

To make the most out of your home, consider getting a Wi-Fi range extender. Likewise, keep your space neat and tidy as to not clutter your home. Anything from a candle to a mediation device to a novelty item on your desk can also keep your spirits high throughout the day.

Get the job done right

Maximizing your time while working from home is all about how you divide your day. Even if you’re at the office, it’s highly unlikely that you work a full 8-hour day with nothing more than an hour lunch break. There are other people, unexpected interruptions, and social media sites to distract you. To set yourself up for success, plan to give in to your distractions. The Pomodoro cycle involves working tirelessly for 25 minutes and pausing for a small break. Every set of four 25-minute sessions, take a longer break to help your mind relax. Another is the COPE method which helps you identify and eliminate time-wasters as well as prioritize your tasks for the entire day.

It may take some time to understand which method is best for you, if any. If you’re spending too much time on social media, start tracking your time. TimeFlip adds a physical element to tracking. With each new task or activity, flip the device to the associated side. The app will show you exactly how you’ve spent your day so you can make adjustments.

The world is your office

The biggest benefit of working remotely is freedom. Sure, you can stay in your house all day and hang out with your dog (I do!). Or, you can add a little excitement to your life. Break up the monotony by venturing out and finding your nearest café with great Wi-Fi. Not only will the aroma of coffee get your creative juices flowing, there are plenty of people around should you decide to have a chat on your break. For some of us, a co-working space provides the optimal balance of working remotely and office life.

But, who says you have to stick to your own town? If you want to truly travel the world while you work, consider what you’ll need in order to become a digital nomad.

Do you have any top tips to add to the list? What helps you get the most out of your day when you work from home? Tell us in the comments below!



Ashley Timms
Gadget Flow

Ashley Timms is the Editor in Chief at Gadget Flow where she gets to write about the most incredible products in the world. She’s also a dog photographer.