The Game — A Handbook for My Coaches

John Jones
The Game of Life
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2016

Written in 1992 it is still relevant today

From 1989 through to 2000 I ran a small consultancy that helped people to avoid the stress of work. Back in the 80’s and 90’s this was a big problem. Looking around it still is. I came up with a simple process for helping people figure out what it means to work in a knowledge economy. It was very successful at doing what it claimed; “Achieving more with less effort while reducing stress”. Big claims but it worked and we trained around 3,500 people. HR managers loved it because it was the only training programme they had people queuing up to join. An 80% success rate didn’t do them any harm either. Its success lay in one key ingredient. It was not a classroom training programme but a series of coaching sessions taking place at the person’s desk — one on one.

As it grew it became apparent I needed something to support my coaches. That is how The Game came into existence. Initially it was a series of short articles, later in 1992 I pulled it all together into a handbook.

I thought it might be useful and fun to publish these notes here on Medium where entrepreneurs and busy people come to help figure out how to do stuff.

This material is not an easy read, I don’t even claim it is well written. I am dyslexic, a creator and writing is not something that comes easily. Add to this the material is generalist, deliberately lacking in examples, application specific and if you find this a little bewildering you have a hint of what I mean.

So if you decide to follow me on this journey, what are you in for in this Medium publication?

It is about how to create a Universe, your Universe. How to see what makes it tick and how to look at the Universes other people have created; then how to change both in ways that are creative and additive. More specifically it is about problems. Why we create them, yes that is right, you create your own problems. And how to solve them, of course.

If you are still with me — Welcome on board.

First Chapter: Background



John Jones
The Game of Life

Mad inventor, father, F(f)riend, dancer, hiker, balloonist, coach, physicist, engineer and bumbling through life.