How to play

William Graham Stewart
The Game Of Now
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2016

As I am sure you know, the best way to learn how to play a new game is just to play it.

Therefore, I invite you to contact me by email:

…and ask to be introduced to the Game.

Once I receive your email, I will organise a 1–2–1 introduction with you (that will include a trial gameofnow), via Zoom, an internet face-to-face chat application, a bit like Skype.

If you would rather just know how to play without talking with me, then simply do what you would do with any new person you meet…go talk with him/her.

This is an important point for me…The Game Of Now is not “mine”. I perceive it as a being that came to me because it knew that I could help translate its vision into a language and form that people may benefit from.

It is my perception of the realm of ideas.

Here is another way of saying the same thing:

“Imagine I am walking alone in the forest where I live, near Vallgorguina, north-east of Barcelona. Suddenly, turning a corner, I see a being (not sure if it’s a man or a woman or a beast or a “thing”) hovering about 6 feet above the ground.

I am transfixed.

I don’t know what to do.

The “being” knows this and asks me what I want.

“I want to know who or what you are,” is my response.

“I am The Game Of Now.”

I am a bit perplexed by this and say, “The Game Of Now is a bit of an odd name.”

It looks directly into my eyes, “You think a being hovering in front of you 6 feet above the ground is normal?”

And so we spend a very long time together. I am curious. I ask questions. We talk. We experiment. And after 10 years, we agree that “Now” is the time to introduce “The Game Of Now” to other people.


How would you introduce anyone to another person?

Go talk to it yourself.

It’s a very powerful being.

And it’s presence in your life will transform you.


